Tuesday, 12 February 2013

How to clean the kitchen sink

The kitchen sink should be one of the cleanest surfaces in our home. Unfortunately, quite often, it's full of germs. After all, the kitchen sink sees a lot of action. We rinse our fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, and almost anything we can think of in the sink. We drain our pots and pans into it. We wash dishes, glasses, and silverware there. 

Sometimes, we even toss a child or two in it for a night time bath. Maybe we even rinse the pet’s dishes and toys. 

Unfortunately, simply rinsing the kitchen sink until it looks clean is not going to keep it germ free. Regular cleaning and sanitizing should take place in order to protect your family from germs and bacteria. Different types of sinks require different types of cleaning solutions. However, they can all benefit from a simple sanitizing procedure that works to deter germs and bacteria from taking roost. 

To sanitize the kitchen sink, you have three basic options. You can purchase a commercial disinfectant and use it according to the directions on the label. Commercial disinfectants are available in most home improvement stores, discount stores, supermarkets, and online. 

For ceramic and cast iron sinks, you can prepare a solution of one part liquid chlorine bleach to sixteen parts water. You cannot use this solution on stainless steel sinks. Additionally, you need to exercise caution when using a solution that includes liquid chlorine bleach. Pour it slowly and be careful not to get any on surfaces that will undergo damage. 

An application of undiluted white vinegar on the sink is another option that you can use. For the best results, apply the vinegar using a clean cloth to ensure that the entire sink is treated with it.


Stainless steel sinks should always be thoroughly rinsed after every use, not only to keep them clean, but also, to prevent potential pitting. Acids and salts can damage the finish of a stainless steel sink, so it is important to avoid leaving foods that contain these in the sink. 

Mild soap and a nylon sponge can be used for daily cleaning of a stainless steel sink. Also, an all purpose cleaner or a glass cleaner can be used. Always rinse the sink clean after using a cleaner or soap and then dry it with a soft cloth. 

If spots are a problem with your sink, a clean cloth soaked in vinegar can help to remove these. To keep the finish at its finest, avoid using bleach, ammonia, and abrasive cleaners. Also, you should avoid using abrasive sponges and steel wool pads on stainless steel, as they tend to damage the finish. 

Wetting the entire surface of the sink and liberally sprinkling baking soda onto the surface is the best way to deal with stubborn stains. Use a nylon scrubbing sponge to work the baking soda in and then rinse thoroughly clean. 

Stubborn mineral residue can be dealt with by lining the entire sink with paper towels soaked in white vinegar. Allow the vinegar to sit undisturbed for several minutes, up to a half hour, and then toss them in the trash. Use a nylon scrubbing sponge saturated with soapy water to scrub the area clean. Rinse the sink completely when finished. Remember to dry the sink with a clean soft cloth for the best results. 

Stubborn stains can be dealt with by using a commercial stainless steel cleaner according to the directions included with it. Rinse and dry the sink afterwards. 


Cast iron sinks should be thoroughly rinsed after each use in order to promote cleanliness. Moreover, this type of sink benefits from a thorough drying with a clean cloth after it has been rinsed. To clean a cast iron sink thoroughly, wet the entire surface and liberally sprinkle baking soda onto the sink’s surface. 

Use a clean nylon cleaning sponge to scrub the baking soda onto the sink. Rinse the sink clean from all baking soda residue. Avoid abrasive cleaners when cleaning cast iron . The best way to treat stains in a cast iron sink is to avoid them in the first place. Never place any item into the sink that might leave a stain on the finish. Avoid leaving dirty dishes, pots, or pans in the sink. Additionally, do not leave tea bags, coffee grounds, or cans in the sink. 


Ceramic sinks can easily be cleaned with a cleanser in a gel or creamy solution. This helps avoid scratches. It is important not to use abrasive cleaners on ceramic sinks. For stubborn stains, repeat the cleaning with a bit more effort. If the stain persists, remove it using a clean cloth soaked in club soda. 


Faucets and handles can easily be cleaned with a mild soapy solution. If fingerprints or water spots remain, use a clean cloth soaked in white vinegar and wipe them clean. The vinegar also sanitizes the faucets and handles.

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